April 27, 2022
5 Criteria To Help You Decide How To Select Your 340B Contract Pharmacy
There has been a great deal of activity in the 340B contract pharmacy space in the last six years. The number contract pharmacy locations has grown to almost 18,000, who have relationships with more than 5,000 hospitals.
340B eligible hospitals have realized the opportunity that comes from contract pharmacy relationships – either as a sole 340B dispensing model or as a supplement to their own onsite outpatient pharmacy.
A contract pharmacy relationships gives hospitals the opportunity to increase or continue patient services outside of a hospital campus. Further, they can also help to expand a hospital’s reach to support underserved populations within their service areas.
- Close proximity to the hospital’s service areas
- Favorable associations by a center’s patient community
- Accessible hours
- Comfort that the pharmacy will be operationally compliant with 340B requirements and maintain adequate records to ensure proper tracking of 340B drugs
- A good relationship with the retail pharmacy team